Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Swartzbaugh v. Sampson case brief

Swartzbaugh v. Sampson case brief summary
54 P.2d 73 (1936)

The Plaintiff appealed the decision of the Superior Court of Orange County (CA) which granted defendant's motion for nonsuit in an action that involved the lease of real property.

The Defendant husband and plaintiff wife both owned property in joint tenancy with a right to survivorship.
Defendant husband and defendant lessee both negotiated and agreed to sublet a portion of the land for a boxing pavilion.
Throughout the negotiation, plaintiff made it known that she was opposed to the lease and remained uninvolved in the negotiation.
The Plaintiff did not sign the lease agreement.
Defendant husband maintained all of the income from the lease agreement.
Plaintiff brought suit to cancel the lease.
The lower court dismissed the action on the basis of nonsuit.

On appeal, the court had affirmed the judgment which held that where one tenant leases common property to a third party, the other tenants in common can not cancel the lease or recover exclusive possession of the entire property.

Where one tenant leases common property to a third party, the other tenants in common can not cancel the lease nor can they recover exclusive possession of the entire property.
The judgment was affirmed.

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