Law students! Law Professors! Anyone looking at this website...
Check out our Etsy store... We sell pinback buttons and magnets...
Now, why would a law student care about pinback buttons? Well, first of all, they are a cool way for you to show your individuality. Our pinback buttons are pretty fun and they make great gifts, if we do say so ourselves and some of them even feature law school quotes (such as "first time bar exam passers club and order of the coifless.")
So, why not take a look? It helps support this site and provide free law school outlines and case briefs for you all. Some of our popular button designs are shown below! Thanks for looking.
•Checking out our amazing store on Etsy:
Check out our Etsy store... We sell pinback buttons and magnets...
Now, why would a law student care about pinback buttons? Well, first of all, they are a cool way for you to show your individuality. Our pinback buttons are pretty fun and they make great gifts, if we do say so ourselves and some of them even feature law school quotes (such as "first time bar exam passers club and order of the coifless.")
So, why not take a look? It helps support this site and provide free law school outlines and case briefs for you all. Some of our popular button designs are shown below! Thanks for looking.
Support us by:
•Visiting: to rid yourself of that social media addiction.•Checking out our amazing store on Etsy:
Pick Five Buttons at a Reduced Rate
“Don’t Tell People Your Dreams, Let Them See the Result”
“Lions Don’t Lose Sleep Over the Opinions of Sheep”
“Make Love Not War”
“World Traveler”
“Let the Adventure Begin”
“Stand Up For Jesus”
“Set of Five Make America Kind Again Buttons”
“Make America Kind Again - Colorful Buttons”
“Make America Kind Again Set”
“Make America Kind Again - Black and White Typewriter Font”
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