Assets and Liabilities Outline: Accounting for Lawyers
- Asset definition:
- Probable future economic benefit
- Firm controls because of past event or transaction
- Asset recognition:
- Right to use
- Results from past transaction
- Future benefit can be quantified
- Asset Valuation:
- Historical cost (acquisition cost), ex: land, goodwill, intangible finite life
- Value in use (acquisition cost), ex: building, equipment
- Fair Value (under GAAP: exit value, under IFRS: current exchange value)
- Present value of future net cash flows (discounts future cash flows to present)
- Net realizable value (net cash value today), except what if you can’t sell it
- Current assets: Assets that a firm expects to turn into cash, or sell, within one year
- Cash: short-term, safe, liquid sources of funds- currency on hand, bank deposits, savings accounts, CDs
- Accounts Receivable (AR): aka receivables- amounts due from customers for sale of goods or services (right to collect from customers, banks use as collateral)
- Inventory (INV): goods to be sold- can be completed goods, in-process goods, and raw materials
- Other: prepaid expenses (money paid in advance of goods and services; ex: rent), marketable securities (stocks, bonds, etc, measured by market value)
- Non-current assets: assets held and used for several years
- Net Property, Plant & Equipment (Net PP&E): long term assets used in operations, including land, buildings, machinery (priced at acquisition cost)
- Depreciation is a non-cash charge that
- Reduces the (net) value of tangible assets on the balance sheets
- Is an expense on the income statement that reduces earnings
- Is an attempt to capture the deterioration in an asset’s value caused by time and use (though it’s a rough measure)
- Other: intangibles (patents, trademarks, goodwill= difference between cost of an acquired firm and the value of its individual assets)
- Definition: probable future sacrifices of economic benefits, arising from present obligations to transfer assets or provide services in the future as a result of past transaction
- Recognition: represents a present obligation that exits as a result of a past transaction and requires probable future economic resources that can be quantified with sufficient reliability
- Measurement: most liabilities are financial, requiring settlement with cash or other assets
- Current Liabilities: obligations a firm expects to pay within one year
- Automatic sources: informal liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business
- Accounts payable (AP): money owed under informal credit agreement
- Accrued expenses: expenses incurred through passage of time, but not yet due (utility bills, taxes, wages, etc)
- Does not include: notes, loans, any other category of debt
- Debt: Loans, notes, etc: any liability that is not an automatic source
- Usually requires interest payments
- Noncurrent liabilities & shareholder’s equity: sources of funds where the supplier does not expect to receive them all back within a year
- Contingencies: liabilities that are uncertain (timing and/or amount)
- Recognition criterion under GAAP – no precise threshold, practice indicates approximately 80%
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