Stephen Gillers, Regulation of Lawyers
"I'm Back on My Feet"
*This, like the other answers to questions in the book, are largely based on student opinion and do not necessarily state the correct law.
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"I'm Back on My Feet"
*This, like the other answers to questions in the book, are largely based on student opinion and do not necessarily state the correct law.
To determine whether an advertisement
is protected by the first amendment one can first look at the holding in Alexandra. The court in Alexandra decided a case regarding
attorney advertisement and looked at whether the commercial speech was unlawful
or misleading based on the Central Hudson
test. In the present advertisement, we have not found anything that would make
the statement unlawful and are under the assumption nothing in the advertisement
is unlawful. However, one must check the individual statutes and court rulings
of the jurisdiction. Assuming that nothing about this advertisement is unlawful,
we must look to whether the advertisement or any part of it is misleading. In
addition to the United States Supreme Court ruling in Central Hudson, the court looked to whether an ad was misleading,
to determine whether it is protected by the first amendment. The ABA in Model Rule
7.1 states that a communication is misleading when it contains a misrepresentation
of fact or law, or omits a fact necessary to make the state considered as a
whole not materially misleading. Here the commercial omits the fact that the
person speaking is not an actual client but an actor. This may be considered
misleading to a viewer of the commercial in that they may think that the person
on the screen who was unable to pay their bills and had been helped by this
firm through bankruptcy was an option for all and such results would occur.
Therefore, the commercial would probably be considered misleading.
Assuming that a jurisdiction does not
have a statute which limits attorney advertising to only actual clients who
went through the scenario they are discussing (and such a statute does not
impeded on the first amendment rights of the law firm) one must look to whether
having an actor discuss the scenario on behalf of the client is misleading. The
issue that arises is whether it is misleading if an actor states the real
scenario of what happened to an actual client as if it happened to themself. As
stated below, the best practice to insure the statement is not misleading would
be to have the person speaking clarify that he or she is a hired actor, stating
something an actual client told them and have the client sign an affidavit
affirming everything the actor says is true.
The problem raises the issue of
what occurs if the actor is someone famous, does that change the above
statements? It may change peoples’ perception of whether the statement is
misleading. On the one hand a viewer watching an ad with a famous person may
instill trust because of that person, or think that the actor himself used this
attorney and believe they must be good. On the other hand a viewer may
understand by seeing that this is a professional actor that the actors
statement did not happen to the actual actor and is a script or recitation of
another client. If the actor clarifies they are an actor and are only stating
an actual clients testimony and all facts are true this will likely not be
misleading and having a professional actor make the statement should not change
Some states do impose restrictions on attorney advertisements. Those
states limit them to actual facts about the lawyer (see comments to ABA Model
Rule 7.2). The above story may not be actual facts about the clients, depending
on the jurisdiction. If this jurisdiction has a rule that limits attorney advertisements
to actual facts about the attorney, depending how stringent the rule is, one
may either have to limit the commercial to just saying the results obtained or
the attorney explaining some of the things he can do ie. If a person is about
to lose their home, car, etc. the attorney may be able to assist them depending
on their facts through bankruptcy.
When considering a state rule that
would prohibit the use of actors and dramatizations the two major concerns
would be: one whether the rule would meet the test for regulating speech set
out in Central Hudson and two there would be a public policy concern about what
lawyers would realistically be allowed to do after the rule was put forth. The
central Hudson test requires that unless commercial speech is unlawful or
misleading it can only be regulated if it meets three elements. First there
needs to be a substantial government interest. Second the regulation needs to
directly advance the governmental interest asserted and third it cannot be more
extensive than is necessary to serve that interest. “States generally have an
unfettered right to prohibit inherently or actually misleading commercial
speech”. So if using an actor is deemed to be materially misleading the
government would likely have an interest is protecting the public from that.
The second prong requires the rule to further that interest. Here a rule that
prohibited dramatizations and actors would clearly further the goal of
protecting the public from the misleading use of actors. However, the regulation
would likely have a hard time meeting the third prong, which is that there is
no less restrictive way to meet the goal. Requiring a disclaimer would be a less restrictive way
to further the goal of protecting consumers from misleading actors.
Additionally there is a public
policy concern. If the use of all actors were banned that would likely dramatically
lower the use of commercials because the only way lawyers could prove they were
successful would be to get real clients to agree to be in the commercial. So
essentially this ban would reduce attorney advertising to only how to contact them
and what their practice areas are. On the one hand this might not be a bad
thing because everyone would be a level playing field and there would be no
consumer confusion but on the other hand it would eliminate any way for
consumers to differentiate or tell which practice in their judgment is best
suited to handle their claim.
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