Friday, September 14, 2012

People v. Acosta case brief

People v. Acosta case brief summary
284 Cal.Rptr. 117

PROCEDURAL POSTURE: Defendant appealed the judgment of the Superior Court of Orange County (California), which convicted him of three counts of second degree murder under Cal. Penal Code § 187 and one count of unlawfully driving another's vehicle without consent under Cal. Veh. Code § 10851.

OVERVIEW: Defendant was convicted of three counts of second degree murder under Cal. Penal Code § 187 and one count of unlawfully driving another's vehicle without consent pursuant to Cal. Veh. Code § 10851. On appeal, defendant alleged that there was insufficient evidence to support a second degree murder conviction, that the jury was erroneously instructed on implied malice, that his post-arrest statements were inadmissible, and that his sentence constituted cruel and unusual punishment.

The court agreed with defendant's insufficient evidence contention and reversed the murder convictions.

The court found that although defendant's attempted flight from the police was the actual cause of the helicopter crash, insufficient evidence existed to show that he acted with malice. The court held that although persons on the ground during the pursuit faced a high probability of death, there was no evidence that defendant's driving affected the helicopters that gave chase. The court ruled that evidence that defendant knew that the helicopters were in pursuit was not sufficient to establish that he knew his conduct was a risk to the pilots and that he acted with a conscious disregard for that risk.

OUTCOME: The court reversed defendant's convictions for second degree murder. The court held that insufficient evidence existed to support a finding that defendant acted with actual malice because his conduct did not create a high probability of death to the helicopter pilots in pursuit and because there was no evidence to show that defendant knew the risk to the pilots or acted with a conscious disregard for that risk.

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